Reading List: Eric Sink on the Business of Software

By Christopher Hawkins •  Updated: 05/31/06 •  1 min read

I’m currently about halfway into Eric Sink’s book. So far, so good. I remember most of this from his MSDN column, but it sure is nice to have it sitting on my desk or in my briefcase. In fact, it’s going to be my official Road Book when I fly to the East Coast this Friday. Eric’s got this business nailed down, there’s no doubt. Plus, he’s very good at communicating non-geek concepts to geeks, seeing as he had to learn all this stuff himself (and sometimes the hard way). So if you haven’t read it, I definitely suggest you pick up a copy. Note that this is not a paid solicitation, it’s just my opinion.

The reading is definitely piling up. Here’s what I have on deck, waiting to be read:

This is just what I have stacked up at the office. I think I have a couple of unread books tucked away in my bedroom, too. Arrgh.